Make your resume stand out
Finding your dream job may not be as challenging as you initially thought it would be. More and more online portals are offering a variety of services, some even free of cost! Of course, the free plan may not offer all perks compared to the premium one but here are a few things you can do to make your profile stand out.
Write your resume in plain simple English language, avoid unnecessary use of words which will have the recruiter reaching out for a dictionary or thesaurus. Boasting a superior vocabulary may not necessarily help your cause. Recruiters hardly spend a minute or two looking over your resume, making it plain and to the point is the only way to ensure quality.

Format your resume properly, highlight the titles with bold or underlined which will get the recruiters attention first. Use a legible font, avoid using fonts such as Comic Sans MS, etc. The text size should also be appropriate and should not be used as a mere excuse to fill up pages. The page count is irrelevant if the information mentioned in the resume is precise.
Every heading, should have proper subheading. For example, list out your education details in descending order starting with the most recently acquired. The same is applicable when it comes to work experience, list of achievements, projects and voluntary work undertaken.
Skills should be listed out taking into consideration the position you are applying for and the company you are going to be a part of. Job winning resumes are the ones which are tailored to suit the company or industry requirements.
Adding appropriate links to your resume will also enhance its quality and appearance. Links will provide the additional info which cannot be accommodated in your resume. Links will also enable recruiters to see more content including graphic, images etc.
Be very true to yourself and the company you are applying to, never lie or misrepresent any information in your resume. A statement at the end saying ‘I hereby declare all information is true to my knowledge’ should also be supported by the fact. Recruiters can differentiate between good resumes and too good to be true resumes.
These are just some of the tips which will help you to draft the best possible resume and make it stand out.