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How insomnia affects job performance

How insomnia affects job performance

Insomnia, a terrible health condition, is a sleep disorder in which a person suffers from sleepless days and nights and finds it extremely difficult to fall asleep even for an hour. While there are mainly two types of insomnia viz., acute and chronic, the symptoms at the earlier stages are common for both kinds.
Health risks that follow from sleep apnea

Health risks that follow from sleep apnea

A good night’s sound sleep is a sign of good health. Irregular sleep causes many health issues. OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) is one such common disorder which has been seen in increasing numbers amongst people in the last few decades. It later leads to more complicated health issues. Snoring is one such issue, which mostly happens due to OSA.
Symptoms of sleep disorder

Symptoms of sleep disorder

Sleeping disorder is a situation in which a person cannot sleep frequently or for quite a period of continuous time. A person should get enough time in a day to sleep otherwise it will affect the health and functioning of the body adversely. Not getting sleep for one day is fine, but if a person cannot experience good sleep continuously for more than two-three days, it is a sign of the person having a sleeping disorder and he needs to consult a physician or therapist immediately.
Recommended treatments for sleep disorder

Recommended treatments for sleep disorder

A good night’s sleep does wonders for our day, kick-starting it in a good, energetic way. It is like an energy booster pack that leads the way for an entire day’s work. If our sleep cycle is disturbed even for a day, it causes distress and problems the next day.
Dating etiquette to always remember

Dating etiquette to always remember

Dating can be quite a task if you are looking to find the significant other when you meet people on dates. However, you could be on a date for various reasons – it could either be to find the love of your life, or to just meet new people and socialize – your reason can vary and so can your experience while you are on a date, but one thing everyone must follow is the basic set of etiquette irrespective of your reasons and experiences.
Three-step maintenance of outdoor playsets

Three-step maintenance of outdoor playsets

A newly bought and assembled wooden playset is an absolute delight to behold. It is aesthetically very appealing and a lot of fun to play on. However, beauty doesn’t last forever even in playsets! It is therefore your responsibility to make your playset look as charming as it now is, even after your kids are done with their fun and games.
Three great target date funds for your nest egg

Three great target date funds for your nest egg

Target date funds are all about setting a date, and forgetting all about it until retirement. New to the concept, and looking for some great investment firms to help you out with your plans? What makes a great target fund is that it doesn’t impede the retirement investment plan during its fund allocation processes.
Popular investment options across various commodities

Popular investment options across various commodities

2017 has arrived with a new administration in the country, and many of us are aware of changes in financial policies. Market conditions may fluctuate and inflation could be affected. But these changes should not affect your money management strategy. If you haven’t set a lump sum aside for investment, now is a good time to start.
Steps to financial freedom, manage your funds

Steps to financial freedom, manage your funds

With the new administration in power, concerns about inflation and interest rates matter. You might be concerned about the financial policies of the new government. Despite this uncertainty, many experts suggest that investors and small banks have actually made a profit. Leaving the political scenario aside, you would be wise to invest if you have money to spare, whatever the financial season.
Income fund plans, choose wisely from popular plans

Income fund plans, choose wisely from popular plans

If you’re nearing retirement, or planning for the future ahead, saving up for your retirement is always a smart move. These are many finance savings instruments in the investment market these days. Income fund plans are one of the most beneficial, especially in terms of long term goals. Saving for your retirement doesn’t need to be a chore; in fact, it can be pretty easy if you take the right steps.
Income funds 101, what you need to know about fixed income funds

Income funds 101, what you need to know about fixed income funds

Here’s a simple introduction to the world of fixed income funds. If you’re planning on investing, or need something that generates fixed returns on your investments, income funds can be a great option for the long haul. What They Are? An income fund consists of stock, mutual bonds, and ETFs that seek to generate income for shareholders; these are invested in securities that offer fixed dividends or interest payments.
Tips for the beginner investor

Tips for the beginner investor

Ask someone for advice about managing your personal finances. Start reading personal finance columns or blogs. You will keep hearing a common refrain: Invest and build funds for your future now. You cash reserves are vital in an emergency. They provide a safety net against volatile investments. One bad decision could wipe out profits and your capital.