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13 Things You Should Know about Bed Bugs Infestation

13 Things You Should Know about Bed Bugs Infestation

Bed bugs infestation is a major problem because these little pests can really cause havoc if left unchecked. If you have ever woken up with patches of red rashes on your arms or blisters, this is a clear sign that bed bugs have already made themselves at home and now plan to vacate the original owners, if you know what I mean.
These Are the Early Signs of Lupus You Should Be Careful About

These Are the Early Signs of Lupus You Should Be Careful About

Lupus, which is also referred to as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease, which means the immune system itself starts stacking healthy cells. Thus, in this case, every part of the body is under attack. Typical lupus symptoms include inflammation and damage joints, skin as well as kidneys, bones, heart, lungs, blood vessels, and even brain.
How to Strengthen Your Pelvic Muscles without Kegel Exercisers

How to Strengthen Your Pelvic Muscles without Kegel Exercisers

Women generally have to do exercises to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles. These pelvic floor muscles are located in the lowest base opening of the pelvis. In other terms, it is located where your uterus is located and holds all pelvic organs in place. Kegel exercises along with the best Kegel exercisers are prescribed when:
Popular Types of Treatments to Alleviate, Reduce, and Manage Pain

Popular Types of Treatments to Alleviate, Reduce, and Manage Pain

Pain is an umbrella term that is vaguely used to describe varying degrees of mental, and physical discomfort, agony, trauma, and the like. While a mild pain can be treated quickly within a few hours, some chronic ones last for several months together. An acute or shooting pain is seen to last for a short duration, chronic pain is the one that persists over more extended periods and often develops resistance to most medical treatments.
10 easy ways for curing tinnitus naturally

10 easy ways for curing tinnitus naturally

Often described as a “ringing in the ears,” tinnitus can comprise of different types of sounds like whistling, snapping, buzzing, roaring or hissing. Basically, tinnitus is an internal sound which is subjective in nature, i.e., it is not produced by an external source. Such sounds can be intermittent or incessant.
Everything You Need To Know about Shingles

Everything You Need To Know about Shingles

Studies show that one in every three people are at a high risk of developing shingles. This can be described as a painful rash that typically affects elderly people and people with a compromised immune system. Shingles can be treated, however in some cases, it can reoccur. One of the primary focal points of treatment for this disease is shingles pain management.
Treating IBS with Symptom Specific Medications

Treating IBS with Symptom Specific Medications

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a disorder that affects the large intestine (colon). Although the exact cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome is unknown, one of the possible causes would be faulty communication between the brain and the intestinal tract. Some signs and symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome include pain and cramping, abdominal pain, bloating up of stomach, gas, diarrhea, and constipation.
The Benefits of Various Prostate Supplements

The Benefits of Various Prostate Supplements

Men above the age of 40 years are often worried about their prostate health. This is because they become more prone to suffering from prostate issues as they become older. However, they may find it relieving to learn that there are some top prostate supplements through which the onset of prostate ailments is treatable and preventable.
Different causes of migraine that you should know

Different causes of migraine that you should know

Ever had a sudden headache which erupted through your whole body causing nausea, vomiting or even temporary blindness? Then you just might be suffering from a migraine. But guess what, you are not alone, about 38 million people suffer from a migraine each year in the US which makes it 1 in every four households.
Home Remedies for Treating Chronic Pain

Home Remedies for Treating Chronic Pain

Chronic in simple terms means persistent and for prolonged periods. Chronic pain thus includes many discomforts caused due to various reasons, which will last for a long time. It is estimated that chronic pain affects 1 out of 5 people in the country which is quite the statistic. In case of chronic pain, sometimes even if the pain source has been taken care of, chances are your brain is still getting signals from the affected area that the pain is persistent.
6 Essential Multivitamin Supplements that Promote Women’s Health

6 Essential Multivitamin Supplements that Promote Women’s Health

The modern world can take a toll on a person’s health as a majority of us are rather consumed in making our lives comfortable. In a bid to excel at everything, we often neglect that one crucial aspect of our lives that makes everything possible—our health. Our ancestors made a valid point when they asserted that “health is wealth” since it is humanly possible to attain all your ambitions only if you are healthy.
Understanding Metastatic Lung Cancer and Its Effective Treatments

Understanding Metastatic Lung Cancer and Its Effective Treatments

To get acquainted with metastatic lung cancer, you will first have to understand the term metastatic. Today, lung cancer is one of the most common cancer that both men and women in the country suffer from. In the initial stages of lung cancer, the cancer cells multiply rapidly in the lungs but they do not branch out and affect your other body parts.