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Is hepatitis c contagious

Is hepatitis c contagious

Some people are unaware of the deadly after effects of being infected by Hepatitis C virus or how the disease is transmitted. The most important question that comes to everyone’s mind – Is Hepatitis C contagious or not? In this situation, a hep C guide comes handy as it is beneficial in clarifying all the doubts regarding the disease.
What is the relationship between Hepatitis C and liver damage

What is the relationship between Hepatitis C and liver damage

Hepatitis C is a disease caused due to an infection by Hepatitis C virus that affects the liver. This health disorder has two different phases – acute and chronic. An individual having the former phase means he or she got affected recently while the latter phase means a person has the infection for over six months.
6 things to consider before buying an LED TV

6 things to consider before buying an LED TV

If you’re planning to invest in an LED TV, you need to consider several factors before choosing one. LED TVs definitely upgrade your viewing experience, and they come with an array of smart features these days. That said, there are many models available in the market, so choosing one can be difficult.
Samsung TVs and their constant innovation

Samsung TVs and their constant innovation

Samsung has always been known for its innovations. They make sure that every product they manufacture must be a trendsetter. They never go producing the same things for years. They always ensure that if their product is out there, it must have a distinctive presence. And after it is no longer available, people must always remember it.
5 nerve blocks for chronic pain treatment

5 nerve blocks for chronic pain treatment

One of the more common chronic pain treatment options is a nerve block. A nerve block manages the pain by injecting an anesthetic in the area around the pain. This, in turn, interrupts the pain signals to the brain. Most of the injections for chronic pain management is done on an outpatient basis.
A few practical steps towards curbing non-Hodgkin lymphoma

A few practical steps towards curbing non-Hodgkin lymphoma

The type of cancer that grows on white blood cells called lymphocytes is called lymphoma.  This cancer occurs in the lymph nodes and spreads like a web throughout the body. At the same time, it is the most common type of lymphoma occurring in humans. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma occurs in the lymphatic system and has different subtypes.
A few common types of pancreatic cancer and their possible treatments

A few common types of pancreatic cancer and their possible treatments

Every pancreatic cancer patient has different health problems. The type of pancreatic cancer varies from person to person. The pain that is an indication of the particular type of cancer starts in the upper abdominal pain. The pancreas has two different kinds of cells: the endocrine cells and the exocrine cells.
Know more about business TVs

Know more about business TVs

Business TVs or small business TVs produce and distribute video programs through a satellite for the limited audience. Often, there’s a 2-way component of interaction, and it’s done through a telephone line. Many industries such as delivery services, car dealers, pizza houses and brokerage firms use it business TVs and sometimes small business It’s an excellent method for delivering information to institutions and corporations.
Types of Laundry Washers available and their pros and cons

Types of Laundry Washers available and their pros and cons

In this busy world where everyone is always running short on time, technology is working towards making our lives a lot easier. With each passing day, innovations are hitting the market, and this is a boon even when you consider something as simple as washing clothes. Right from washing machines, laundry washers, to washer and dryer combos, smart machines are here to make laundry a comfortable task.
What is a Smart TV and why is it the in thing?

What is a Smart TV and why is it the in thing?

A smart TV is a television set that has more advanced features than traditional televisions. In the past, we had color TV sets that would depend on cable connections. However, smart TVs are run using the internet and set-top box as they come integrated with advanced internet and computing capabilities. They are unlike the conventional dish-based television sets.
IBS and Abdominal Pain, things to know

IBS and Abdominal Pain, things to know

A common digestive problem, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can produce distressing symptoms. IBS refers to intestinal symptoms, which usually occur at the same time. These symptoms can range from mild to severe abdominal pain, bloating, gas, cramps, constipation, and diarrhea. If you experience persistent IBS symptoms especially severe bellyache, seek medical attention without delay.
What is an h pylori infection

What is an h pylori infection

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) are bacteria that flourish in the digestive system and can cause infection in the stomach. H. pylori symptoms may not manifest in some people. Causes It is still unknown how an H. pylori infection occurs. But it can pass through an infected person to another in several ways.