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Causes of hair thinning and how to treat it

Causes of hair thinning and how to treat it

Hair thinning is not a pleasant experience, and dealing with it could be a long, complicated and even painful process. Hair thinning mainly and chiefly occurs nowadays due to a combination of stress, hormone imbalance and bad diet. Causes The primary cause of hair thinning for both women and men is genetics and heredity and even sex hormones.
Six oils that are great for hair growth

Six oils that are great for hair growth

Oil is an extremely important element for the human body. While it exhibits unbelievable results on your skin, it could do wonders for your hair as well. Oil hydrates the hair scalp, inducing moisture and strengthening the roots. In this article, we are going to introduce to you six essential hair oils that could help grow frizzy, curly, straight or any other kind of hair type.
How to do a hair spa at home

How to do a hair spa at home

There should be one beauty regime that you could do yourself at home and at the same time feel pampered like you feel at your favorite salon. How about a relaxing and cost effective hair spa at home? Hair spa helps you retain the natural moisture present in your hair and nourishes your scalp from within, softening the hair and strengthening the follicles.
Sagging neck skin – causes and cure

Sagging neck skin – causes and cure

If it is about the visible signs of aging, then most of us focus mainly on the facial skin than other parts such as the neck. One of the primary signs of aging is the tendency of the skin to lose the firmness. The skin tends to lose the elasticity, which makes it appear saggy.
Benefits of hiring a resume writer

Benefits of hiring a resume writer

Writing a resume can be tedious and at the same time, a very challenging process. Knowing what to keep and what to eliminate is a gruesome task. How to make your resume stand out for the recruiters is the big question. But now with professional resume writers who dedicate their time to make sure your profile stands out, applying for jobs just got a lot easier.
Different types of salsa for your nachos

Different types of salsa for your nachos

Traditionally served with melted cheese, jalapeño peppers. Nachos are fried tortilla chips which can be served with a variety of ingredients as the topping. Common toppings include black beans, cilantro, meat, guacamole, lettuce, spinach, lime, olives, onions, garlic, pickle and many more. Here is a list of the different types of salsa and toppings that can be served with the classic nachos.
Make your resume stand out

Make your resume stand out

Finding your dream job may not be as challenging as you initially thought it would be. More and more online portals are offering a variety of services, some even free of cost! Of course, the free plan may not offer all perks compared to the premium one but here are a few things you can do to make your profile stand out.
Easy substitutes for ingredients in gourmet recipes

Easy substitutes for ingredients in gourmet recipes

Gourmet recipes are prepared using a variety of ingredients. But people might be allergic to some of the ingredients which are a must have, in a certain recipe or dish. This does not necessarily mean that they will be deprived of biting into that soft tender pink salmon just because someone is allergic to soy sauce.
Things to know about early HIV symptoms

Things to know about early HIV symptoms

Before we get into knowing the early signs of HIV, let us shed some light on what is a HIV virus? It’s a virus that affects the CD4 lymphocytes of the body. CD4 cells are the ones that build up body’s immune system. Once contracted, HIV virus attacks these CD4 cells, and once the immune system is completely down, the body is vulnerable to all kinds of infections.
Different types of guacamole

Different types of guacamole

Guacamole has become an essential part of American cuisine can be used as a dip for chips, or in a salad and as a condiment for many recipes. The key ingredient is avocado, which is a large berry containing a single seed. The flesh of the fruit is used to make the guacamole, which is rich in vitamins, minerals, potassium, dietary fibers boasting several health benefits.
Easy family meals for picky eaters

Easy family meals for picky eaters

Children can be very picky eaters, especially when it comes to green and leafy vegetables. If only pizza’s and burgers could be made with broccoli and kale and still taste good. Ingredients can be creatively masked in the preparation methods, but still some children will pick up on it and create a fuss.
Top 10 high protein foods

Top 10 high protein foods

Protein is a key nutrient for the body being the essential building blocks for the tissue, which also serves as an energy source. Protein is rich in amino acids which is a must have in your daily diet, to prevent protein energy malnutrition. These nutrients are essential for growth and maintenance, for vital body organs, even hair and skin.