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Multiple Sclerosis – Foods to Eat and Avoid

Multiple Sclerosis – Foods to Eat and Avoid

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that affects the nerve functioning and causes problems related to the vision, muscle control, and other body functions. The adversity of the disease varies from person to person. While some people might not need treatment at all, some go through a lot of hindrances in their daily activities as well.
Muscle Spasms – Causes and Treatment Options

Muscle Spasms – Causes and Treatment Options

A spasm or cramp is an involuntary contraction of a muscle. Muscle spasms can happen at any time and are quite painful. It usually goes away on its own, without much treatment. However, if the spasm is extremely painful, and does not resolve by itself or recurs, it is imperative to seek medical care as it may be an indication of a serious underlying medical problem.
Best Eye Drops in the Market for Pink Eye

Best Eye Drops in the Market for Pink Eye

Pink eye or conjunctivitis is probably the most common infection to affect the eyes. This condition can affect children, men, and women of all ages. It is highly contagious but also easily treatable. Before we get into the best eye drops for pink eye, it is necessary to understand the condition and the factors that cause it.
All You Need to Know about the Diet for Diverticulitis

All You Need to Know about the Diet for Diverticulitis

These days, the stomach diseases are increasing, and therefore, the doctors show a severe concern towards the overall nutrition of the people. Every age group has certain gut bacteria levels and must follow a routine check-up. Cleansing of the colon area is a must so that toxins from the body keep on regularly releasing without harming organs and intestine lining.
Causes and Treatments for a Bloated Stomach

Causes and Treatments for a Bloated Stomach

For some people, when they have a bloated stomach, their belly looks swollen or they might encounter intense abdominal pain. The reason may be abdominal bloating caused by something as mild as indigestion or too much gas forming up in the stomach and bowels. Fluid retention, irritable bowel syndrome, or infection are the possible causes of abdominal bloating.
Abdomen Pain Symptoms That Hint at Other Disorders

Abdomen Pain Symptoms That Hint at Other Disorders

The abdomen forms the part of the body also called the torso. Usually, the whole of the belly region is called the abdomen. It is one of the most vital parts of the body (other than the skull). It holds in it the whole digestive system and therefore holds the organs responsible for the proper functioning of the human body.
10 Best Foot Inserts to Buy for Complete Comfort

10 Best Foot Inserts to Buy for Complete Comfort

Whether you are an athlete, love to train, or simply spend a lot of time on your feet, wearing an appropriate pair of foot inserts in your shoes can offer the much-needed grip and comfort. They can have a significant impact on how your feet feel, especially after a long day at work.
Growth Chart and the Measurement Process of a Child’s Development

Growth Chart and the Measurement Process of a Child’s Development

Growth is one of the most important factors for a newborn baby. It is important to look at the child growth chart to identify the physical growth and the child’s development as an individual. The growth chart indicates that the kid is gaining weight and inches that ensure their development.
Top 5 Shampoo to Treat Seborrheic Dermatitis

Top 5 Shampoo to Treat Seborrheic Dermatitis

Do you have visible white flakes caused by dandruff? Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory condition that affects the torso and head where you have oil-producing glands. It might look like red and flaky skin around the ears, scalp, and forehead. Most often, men and people with a weakened immune system face this condition.
Dishes to Include in Your Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan

Dishes to Include in Your Mediterranean Diet Meal Plan

The Mediterranean diet plan is basically based on the diet plan followed by the people of Greece and Italy in the 1960s. The diet primarily consists of food items predominantly eaten by natives from that region such as generous helpings of fruits, vegetables, pasta, and rice and a limited quantity of red meat.
Things to Know about Libido Boosters

Things to Know about Libido Boosters

Age brings numerous changes in our lives. Some changes are physical, some emotional, and some pertaining to your health. Sex life is no exception to the changes that age brings with it. A slackening in the sex drive happens to almost anyone. At some point in life, most people feel their sex life isn’t what it used to be.
A Brief Overview of Wrist Braces and Its Types

A Brief Overview of Wrist Braces and Its Types

When you feel pain or numbness in the fingers, it could be indicative of carpal tunnel syndrome. Well, it is a common type of condition that generally occurs in people working in various fields. This condition occurs when you put too much pressure on the median nerve. The median nerve is the nerve of your body that provides sensory signals to all your fingers except the little finger.