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Ten steps to avoid or reverse osteoporosis

Ten steps to avoid or reverse osteoporosis

Prevention is better than cure, as the saying goes. There are steps one can take that might help prevent osteoporosis instead of having to treat it later. And should on already have it, he or she can still follow these steps to help reverse the disease. These include the following:
Diet for schizophrenia – what to eat and what to avoid

Diet for schizophrenia – what to eat and what to avoid

Diet for schizophrenia: What to eat and what to avoid? Schizophrenia is a mental illness that can cause delusions, paranoia, social and cognitive problems, and hallucinations. While the most common method of this condition is medication and psychotherapy, those who have schizophrenia can benefit from following a proper diet. Certain food items must be avoided, while there are a few that would be good for schizophrenia patients.
13 foods to help get pearly white teeth naturally

13 foods to help get pearly white teeth naturally

13 foods to help get pearly white teeth naturally A beautiful smile can be your biggest asset, and as strange as it may sound, you can get pearly whites by adding some foods to your diet! Our diet plays a key role not only in improving our health but also our teeth.
Top foods to eat if one suffers from arthritis

Top foods to eat if one suffers from arthritis

Top foods to eat if one suffers from arthritis Arthritis is a disease that causes pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joints. In severe cases, the condition severely affects an individual’s mobility and is physically, emotionally, and mentally distressing. Aside from medication, there are certain dietary solutions to help manage arthritis.
Foods that help fight depression and improve mental health

Foods that help fight depression and improve mental health

Foods that help fight depression and improve mental health Depression is a common problem faced by many people. It can have a negative effect on one’s mental health. Food has an important role to play in fighting depression. There are certain food items that can help with depression and improve a person’s general mental health.
Here are the top 6 food allergies in cats and dogs

Here are the top 6 food allergies in cats and dogs

Here are the top 6 food allergies in cats and dogs Food allergies are exceedingly common among cats and dogs. However, more often than not, the symptoms of a food allergy can go unnoticed by the pet’s parents. If you notice your pet is scratching incessantly or is frequently suffering from problems related to the digestive system, there is a high likelihood that your feline or canine companion is experiencing food allergy.
6 FDA-approved medications for high cholesterol

6 FDA-approved medications for high cholesterol

6 FDA-approved medications for high cholesterol High cholesterol leads to fatty deposits in the blood vessels. Over time, these deposits grow, causing difficulties for the blood to flow through the arteries. In some cases, the deposits may break off and form clots. These can cause a stroke or heart attack.
6 prescription medicines used for treating migraines

6 prescription medicines used for treating migraines

6 prescription medicines used for treating migraines A migraine is a form of severely painful, recurring headaches that are typically accompanied by a range of sensory symptoms such as temporary vision loss, pins and needles in the arms or legs, difficulty speaking, hearing noises, seeing bright lights, and uncontrollable jerking or other movements.
Common myths about birth control debunked

Common myths about birth control debunked

Common myths about birth control debunked The birth control pill was approved in the 1960s. Ever since then, it has become one of the most researched forms of medication in medical history. Although, women have become a lot more aware ever since the pill was introduced, there are still plenty of myths that exist.
4 misconceptions about contraceptives

4 misconceptions about contraceptives

4 misconceptions about contraceptives There is a lot of information as well as misinformation on birth control. More often than not, it is hard to distinguish between the two. Here are 4 myths on birth control that need to be debunked immediately. Birth control keeps you safe from sexually transmitted diseases This myth is perhaps one of the most important ones that need to be debunked.
Facts behind the common birth control myths

Facts behind the common birth control myths

Facts behind the common birth control myths The field of contraception and gynecology has advanced. One very crucial component of this field is birth control. Right from condoms and pills to IUD (Intrauterine Device), there are plenty of methods to ensure that there is no occurrence of unwanted pregnancy. Even so, there are plenty of misconceptions revolving around the usage of birth control.
How lifestyle changes help in improving psoriatic arthritis

How lifestyle changes help in improving psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a type of arthritis that causes inflammation. The symptoms of this condition are generally stiffness, pain, and swelling in the joint which can flare up or subside. It is common among those who suffer from this type of arthritis to wake up with morning stiffness. It is a condition that can be treated with medication and lifestyle changes but cannot be cured permanently.