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Effective Ways to Combat Hemorrhoids

Effective Ways to Combat Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a common problem among adults, but that doesn’t mean one doesn’t need to cure it . Hemorrhoids, which are more commonly referred to as piles, is a condition where the veins present in the rectum and the anus become swollen. Some of the most common symptoms of hemorrhoids include rectal bleeding, pain, and itching.
Know All about Strep Meningitis

Know All about Strep Meningitis

If you are suffering from high fever coupled with a headache and a stiff neck, it is advisable to consult your healthcare provider at once as it might be due to strep meningitis. Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges, i.e., the protective layer that covers the brain and the spinal cord that triggers the symptoms mentioned above.
All You Need to Know about Neuropathy Pain Relief

All You Need to Know about Neuropathy Pain Relief

Neuropathy is a medical term that is used to describe a problem with the nerves; usually, the “peripheral nerves.” Our nervous system consists of two major parts: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The nerves of our peripheral nervous system transmit the messages from our central nervous system, i.e., our brain and spinal cord to the rest of our body.
Top Statin Alternatives to Lower Cholesterol Levels

Top Statin Alternatives to Lower Cholesterol Levels

Statins are reductase inhibitors which fall under the class of lipid-lowering medications. They are known to be the go-to therapy for lowering bad LDL cholesterol; however, there are plenty of natural alternatives to it. These other treatments can also effectively reduce the cardio-issues. A director of an institute in Nashville explained statins are medicines that lower cholesterol by inhibiting HMG CoA reductase, an enzyme that helps the body make cholesterol.
Causes of Ingrown Hair and Techniques to Remove Them

Causes of Ingrown Hair and Techniques to Remove Them

Ingrown hair is hair that curls around and grows back into the skin. Ingrown hair is not a serious problem, but it can be embarrassing as well as irritating. They can raise a red bump on the skin, which can be painful, itchy, and uncomfortable. While it is common to occur on the cheeks and neck of men, it is prevalently seen to occur on the legs, armpits, and pubic hair in women.
Precautions and Treatments for Boils

Precautions and Treatments for Boils

Boils can be of many types and can occur on any of the body parts. So let us understand how to get rid of boils with the right precautions and treatments Boils are easy to treat at home and might take a few days to heal. If you cannot notice any results at home, you might need minor treatments for the same.
All You Need to Know about Vitamin B12

All You Need to Know about Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, which is a part of the vitamin B family. Vitamin B12 is also known as cyanocobalamin. The Vitamins from the vitamin B family help support the adrenalin function, they also maintain a healthy nervous system, they are necessary for the proper functioning of the metabolic process and play a vital role in the DNA synthesis.
Natural and Healthy Relief from a Bloating Stomach

Natural and Healthy Relief from a Bloating Stomach

Stomach bloating is a condition in which the stomach feels full and tight owing to the formation of gas in the small intestines. This can make the stomach noticeably swollen. Commonly, bloating is joined by different symptoms like burping, pain, looseness of the bowels, shortness of breath, and lower backache.
6 Natural Ways to Treat an Enlarged Prostate

6 Natural Ways to Treat an Enlarged Prostate

The prostate is a walnut-shaped reproductive gland in men that covers the urethra. The main function is adding a fluid called semen into sperm. This gland starts to enlarge with age, which when grows extremely large, results in a disease. Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) is a stage where the prostate gland of a man has grown extremely large.
Adult Acne Treatment Need Not Be a Nightmare Anymore

Adult Acne Treatment Need Not Be a Nightmare Anymore

We usually associate acne with teenagers; however, adult acne is equally common. Some adults continue to get acne well into their 30s, 40s, and even 50s. According to dermatologists, adults can get an acne outbreak even if they never had it in their adolescent years. No wonder millions of dollars are spent every year on making and marketing products for adult acne treatment.
Effective Solutions for Toe Pain Relief

Effective Solutions for Toe Pain Relief

Pain in the toe occurs due to injuries or abnormalities that might be caused over time. This could be due to injuries to any of the nerves, bones, blood vessels or skin adjoining the toe. It is a fairly common problem since we are continuously walking all our life. Some sort of numbness or shooting pain accompanies most toe pains.
5 Ways To Effectively Deal with Urinary Tract Infection

5 Ways To Effectively Deal with Urinary Tract Infection

Dealing with UTI (Urinary tract infection) can be extremely uncomfortable. It majorly involves symptoms like a burning sensation while urinating accompanied by pelvic discomfort, back pain and pressure in the lower abdomen area. Mostly, urinary tract infections are quite common among women. This infection usually affects areas like the bladder and urethra.