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Take Steps to Make Your Environment Clean and Dry

Take Steps to Make Your Environment Clean and Dry

Living in an environment that is prone to getting damp frequently can result in health problems. The general perception is that when one spends a lot of time outside, the pollution and dust can harm the human body. However, even inside a house, if there is no proper ventilation and if spots, like the area around the shower or the bathtub, are not kept dry, it can lead to the growth of mold.
Herbal Treatment for Prostate Enlargements

Herbal Treatment for Prostate Enlargements

What is Prostate? The prostate is a gland located between the bladder and the penis of a male body. The prostate is located in the front area of the rectum. The urethra travels through the penis and carries urine and semen out of the body through the prostate. It is made up of several tiny glands having one function of producing semen.
Know about the Various Constipation Fiber Supplements

Know about the Various Constipation Fiber Supplements

Dietary supplements are some additive food ingredients that are not necessarily medicines but can have an enormous and benevolent biological impact to ease out any physical issue in the human body. Fiber supplements are known to be given to patients suffering from constipation, and hence, a fiber-rich diet is always suggested to them.
Popular Treatments for Vertigo

Popular Treatments for Vertigo

Do you often feel dizzy that lasts for a few minutes? You feel like the world is moving fast, your head spins and you might feel sick. If you experience this a few times in an hour, or more so for days, then, it might be an alarm that you might be suffering from vertigo.
Simple Steps for Increasing Libido in Women

Simple Steps for Increasing Libido in Women

In the last decade, researchers have got the evidence that hormonal contraceptives such as vaginal rings, pills, and patches can dampen the sexual stimulation. However, the real problem is that no official statistics claim this truth. When doctors were asked about the impact of pills on the sexual health of a woman, they answered that it could range between 10 and 40 percent.
Understanding Parkinsons Disease Life Expectancy

Understanding Parkinsons Disease Life Expectancy

Out of all the major diseases out there that don’t quite fit in the regular prescription and yet create the maximum uproar, Parkinson’s disease ranks amongst the top three. Experts and scientist don’t consider Parkinson’s disease as fatal, but yes, people with this illness have a shorter life expectancy as compared to the general population.
Things You Should Know About Causes of Dry Eyes

Things You Should Know About Causes of Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are mainly caused when there is lack of tears that our eyes produce. Here’s everything you need to know about dry eye causes. The tears are a mix of water, greasy oils, and bodily fluid. This blend helps make the surface of your eyes smooth and clear, and it protects your eyes from any sort of infections.
Sleep Apnea – Forms, Symptoms, Mouth Guard and More

Sleep Apnea – Forms, Symptoms, Mouth Guard and More

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder which causes repeated pauses in breathing while a person is sleeping. The pause in breathing lasts for a few seconds and this is followed by a sudden intake of breath which leads to loud snoring. It disrupts the sleep of the person suffering from this disorder and disturbs those who are sleeping beside that person.
Simple steps to remove styes

Simple steps to remove styes

A small pimple on the skin could be one’s absolute nightmare. And when it is around the sensitive areas of your face, it could be further more painful. A pimple around or inside the eyelid is what we call styes or hordeolum (its scientific name). The swelling of the eyes leaves one in agony as the abscess that grows on or inside the eyelid is usually filled with pus.
Understanding Important Treatment Guidelines for Seizures

Understanding Important Treatment Guidelines for Seizures

A seizure occurs when there is an imbalance in the brain cells that excites and the brain cells that stop the activity. Usually, in our brain, we have cells that excite and cells that stop sending messages to other cells in the brain. It, generally, affects people temporarily, i.e., only for a few minutes.
Common Medications to Treat Chronic Diarrhea

Common Medications to Treat Chronic Diarrhea

What is Diarrhea? The loose and watery stool is one of the primary symptoms of Diarrhea. It is not a severe disease, and people usually have it. In fact, most people have diarrhea for 2-3 days, and they are cured by taking simple medicines. Some people suffer from diarrhea more often than other people because of irritable bowel syndromes or other medical issues.
Healthy Dental Habits to Avoid and Remove Plaque

Healthy Dental Habits to Avoid and Remove Plaque

If you have ever been to the dentist and got a filling done or a root canal, you should know it is because of tooth decay, which is also called cavity. This cavity cause by plaque. Plaque is an outer layer that envelops the teeth and causes harm to the teeth and gums.